How to Be Prepared for an Emergency

Do you have an emergency kit or emergency preparation supplies in your home?

Emergency situations that affect your home aren’t something that happens every day, but even if they’re unlikely, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are some things you can do to be ready in case of an emergency.

How to Prepare an emergency kit

Have the following emergency preparation supplies on hand in a cupboard in your home and similar items in a go-bag near your front door in the event you quickly need to leave your home: It’s a good idea to have a 3-day supply of these items on hand.

  • Drinking water and non-perishable food for your family and pets
  • A manual can opener if you pack cans
  • A battery-, solar- or crank-powered radio
  • A working flashlight with spare batteries
  • A first aid kit with Band-Aids, gauze, antiseptic and scissors, as well as hand sanitizer and any prescription medication
  • Plastic wrap and duct tape
  • An emergency contact sheet that lists important phone numbers you may need
  • Diapers, bottles and formula, and one or two favourite toys if you have an infant.

It’s a good idea to tailor your emergency kit supplies to the specific needs of your family. We also recommend that you have a similar kit for your car and update both every 6 months. This includes checking expiry dates on batteries, medication, food, baby formula, diaper sizes, etc.

Have an emergency plan

Being prepared for an emergency starts with having a plan. Make sure everyone in your family knows what to do during and after an emergency.
Your plan should include:

  • Where and how to exit your home safely
  • A location outside your home where you will meet
  • The name of a person away from the emergency who can act as your family’s contact if you get separated at any point. Make sure that everyone knows this person’s name, address and telephone number
  • The emergency instructions from your child’s school, childcare centre or day program facility
  • Instructions for your family in case you are separated: where your emergency kit is located and who your children could call for help or for information.

The importance of insurance

We know how stressful large weather events or catastrophes can be. So, we want you to know that if you ever find yourself in a dire situation, you can feel confident knowing that we’re here for you when you need us most.

Learn more about how we’re there for you during emergencies.